Thursday, March 22, 2018

a sunday at the park


It's incredible, how much potential any given sunday can have here in Charleston. From the bubbly brunches to the window box strolls, to picnics in the park, I'd say sundays have quickly become my favorite day of the week. There's something so relaxing and comforting, knowing that everyone in town has the same idea about how to spend their day of rest. (And how that's actually a thing here!)
Monday, March 12, 2018

Southern Spring and a little self love

So. Much. Pink. Hello from sunny, warm, colorful Charleston. Typing that sentence still feels so surreal to me, as I do not take one day of this new and magical journey for granted. This is my life now? That's still setting in. Have there been moments or even days that I have questioned it all? Sure. Have I counted down the "sleeps" until I see twin again, and even booked an impromptu 48 hour trip with no plans but to hug her the whole time? Yes. But with that has come more of a reason than ever to look inward, and to focus on what matters most to me in this life.